林 蠡



蠡,男, 广东省湛江市人,理学博士,湖北省楚天学者特聘教授, 博士生导师;皇冠集团99442登录入口院长。本科毕业于中国海洋大学海水养殖专业,华南师范大学动物学专业硕士;为德国汉堡大学和中山大学动物学专业联合培养博士。1994-2005年在广东省海洋与渔业厅工作,任高级工程师、增殖总站站长(正科)、技术推广部副部长(正科),先后负责其下属单位广东省西江水产资源增殖中心和广东省大亚湾水产试验中心的水产种苗生产、养成与疾病防治工作,有多年的一线生产经验。在国内率先建立对虾池塘淡化养殖模式。先后在日本国立水产研究所、德国汉堡大学、美国宾夕法尼亚州立大学、美国莱斯大学、加拿大萨斯喀切温大学留学10多年。回国后在华中农业大学工作,获聘湖北省“楚天学者”特聘教授,博士生导师。现任皇冠集团99442登录入口院长。主要从事水产动物健康养殖的教学、科研和社会服务工作。主持项目40多项,包括4个国家自然科学基金项目。至今为止,发表论文300多篇,其中SCI文章180多篇,中文文章120多篇。文章引用次数3700多次,H指数34,获批发明专利10件,出版专著4本。曾获广东省科学技术一等奖,中国产学研合作创新奖;广东省农业技术推广一等奖。主要社会兼职:教育部水产学科教学指导委员会委员;中国水产学会常务理事;广东水产学会理事长;广东省水生动物卫生协会会长;广东省现代农业技术体系“水产疫病监测与综合防控共性关键技术研发创新团队”首席科学家。

l 教育背景:


1998,9-2004,12    中山大学 *        动物学        

2002,9-2004,9                  德国汉堡大学*               动物学        博士生

2001,9-2002,9                  同济大学         德语         培训

1991,9-1994,9    华南师范大学      动物学         

1987, 9-1991,9                 中国海洋大学      海水养殖       


l 工作经历:


2017.01-至今       仲恺农业工程学院            教授,院长

2012.12-2016.12    华中农业大学             楚天学者特聘教授,博导

2009.11-2012.11    U. of Saskatchewan (加拿大)   博士后

2008.02-2009. 10              Rice University  (美国)        博士后

2005.07-2008.01              Pennsylvania State University(美国) 博士后

2000.07-2000. 12             日本国立水产研究所(上蒲分所)  水产动物疾病/研修

2004.10 -2005.06     广东省海洋与渔业局技术推广部   水产养殖/科长

1998.08-2004.09              广东省大亚湾水产试验中心       海水养殖/病害主任

1994.07-1998.07              广东省西江水产资源增殖中心     淡水养殖/场长

l 教学:


l 期刊编委

Fish and shellfish Immunology 影响因子 3.2JCR一区刊物

International Journal of  Molecular Sciences 影响因子3.2JCR二区刊物


l 主要主持科研项目:




4)、国家自然科学基金广东联合基金,纳米偶联鳜脾肾坏死病毒主衣壳蛋白疫苗的增效机制研究,U1701233, 275万(主持子课题,66万),结题,2018/1-2021/12

l 专利:

1. 一种罗氏沼虾野田病毒衣壳蛋白卵黄抗体及其应用,发明专利,发明人:林蠡,伊丽竹,秦真东,周洋,邓俊杰,谭锐敏,授权时间:20181030日,(ZL 201510150327.1

2. 一种红鳍东方鲀神经坏死病毒衣壳蛋白卵黄抗体及其应用,发明专利,发明人:林蠡,伊丽竹,秦真东,周洋,兰江风,邓俊杰,谭锐敏,授权时间:2018817日,(ZL 201510150323.3

3. 一种高致病性嗜水气单胞菌及应用,发明专利,发明人:周洋、李锦铨、林蠡、赵丽娟、王小红、李智、喻蔚,授权时间:201858日,(ZL201610242186.0

4. 利用微生物和小球藻对湖泊污水进行高效原位修复方法,中国发明专利,授权号:ZL 201410846797.7 2014. 林蠡,邓俊杰,谭锐敏.

5. 一种餐饮固相垃圾高温发酵制备水产专用有机复合肥的方法,中国发明专利,授权号:ZL 201410846796 2014. 林蠡,邓俊杰,谭锐敏.

6. 柱状黄杆菌选择性培养基及利用其分离纯化柱状黄杆菌的方法,中国发明专利,授权号:ZL 201410845838.0 (2015).周伟东,林蠡,张玉蕾,邓俊杰,谭锐敏,艾桃山,姬伟,周洋,刘小玲,袁改玲,刘学芹

7. 鳜鱼脾肾坏死病毒的LAMP检测方法,中国发明专利,授权号:ZL 201410845831.0 (2015). 刘学芹;刘广鑫;林蠡;袁军法;李泽明;柳力月;罗培骁

8. Beta-L-nucleosides and their use as pharmaceutical agents and their use for therapy of viral diseases. US 2006/0217345 A1, World patent, WO2005/026186 A1.美国和德国专利, Eckart MatthesMartin Janta-lipinskiHans WillHuseyin Sirma,Li Lin

9. 斜带石斑鱼工厂化育苗方法 ,中国发明专利,授权号:ZL03113663.X 2004)王云新,刘付永忠,黄国光,张海发,林蠡,张玉清,黄锦雄,黄培卫,李景,李志强,甘松永

l 专著(章节):

1. 《新时代乡村振兴理论研究与实践探索》(主编),人民出版社,20231-524

2. 湖北省名优鱼类健康养殖技术(副主编),科学出版社,20161-672.

3. Husbandry and Health Management of Grouper. Asia-Pacific Economic Cooperation Fisheries Working Group 01, 2000:1-94.(石斑鱼的培育和健康养殖,亚太经贸组织渔业工作组01,2000:1-94.

4. 《中国海洋鱼类单殖吸虫》,张剑英等,中国农业出版社,20011-400.

l 发表的论文:(以发表时间为序,*为通信作者,+为共同第一作者;JCR分区采用中科院系统)



1. Qingqing Li,Yao Huang, Xingqian Zhang, Zhendong Qin, Cuiyun Zou, Xiaohong Tan, Xi Xie, Shaowen Liang, Li Lin* Effects of faba beans (Vicia faba L.) on growth performance, textural quality and physiological indices of tilapia (Oreochromis niloticus) . Aquaculture 574(2023)1-10

2. Shi F, Chen Z, Yao M, Huang Y, Xiao J, Ma L, Mo J, Lin L, Qin Z. Effects of glutaraldehyde and povidone-iodine on apoptosis of grass carp liver and hepatocytes. Ecotoxicol Environ Saf. 2024 Mar 1;272:116078. doi: 10.1016/j.ecoenv.2024.116078. Epub 2024 Feb 8. PMID: 38335575.

3. Zhan F, Li Q, Feng H, Lin R, Liang W, Lin L, Qin Z. A short-term of starvation improved the antioxidant activity and quality of African catfish (Clarias gariepinus). Fish Physiol Biochem. 2024 Feb 1. doi:10.1007/s10695-024-01306-9. Epub ahead of print. PMID: 38300371.

4. Sheng X, Lin L, Dalmo RA, Ye J. Editorial: Mucosal barrier in teleost fish:physical, biochemical, and immune nature. Front Immunol. 2024 Jan 16;15:1349071.doi: 10.3389/fimmu.2024.1349071. PMID: 38292870; PMCID: PMC10825589.

5. Tao J, Tu C, Xu Z, Bai Y, Chen B, Yang S, Huang X, Zhang L, Liu L, Lin L*, Qin Z. The infection of Aeromonas hydrophila activated Multiple programmed cell death pathways in red blood cells of Clarias fuscus. Fish Shellfish Immunol. 2024 Feb;145:109315. doi: 10.1016/j.fsi.2023.109315. Epub 2023 Dec 21. PMID: 38134975.

6. Liu L, Huang X, Tu C, Chen B, Bai Y, Yang S, Zhang L, Lin L, Qin Z. The effects of starvation stress on intestinal morphology and flora of grass carp (Ctenopharyngodon idella). Microb Pathog. 2024 Jan;186:106502. doi: 10.1016/j.micpath.2023.106502. Epub 2023 Dec 15. PMID: 38103581.

7. Zhan F, Zhou S, Shi F, Li Q, Lin L, Qin Z. Identifying the function of the PI3K-AKT pathway during the pathogenic infection of Macrobrachium rosenbergii. J Fish Dis. 2024 Feb;47(2):e13890. doi: 10.1111/jfd.13890. Epub 2023 Nov 23. PMID: 37997435.

8. You C, Miao S, Xie Z, Lin S, Wang S, Chen C, Lin L, Huang Y, Zhou M, Dong Y, Li Y, Zhuang P. Cloning, tissue specificity and regulation of expression of genes of four key enzymes related to long-chain polyunsaturated fatty acids (LC-PUFA) biosynthesis by ambient salinity during embryogenesis in the marine teleost Siganus guttatus. Comp Biochem Physiol B Biochem Mol Biol. 2024 Jan;269:110903. doi: 10.1016/j.cbpb.2023.110903. Epub 2023 Sep 16. PMID: 37717849.


9. Kou H, Liu X, Hu J, Lin G, Zhang Y, Lin L. Impact of dietary zinc on the growth performance, histopathological analysis, antioxidant capability, and inflammatory response of largemouth bass Micropterus salmoides. Fish Shellfish Immunol. 2023 Oct;141:109025. doi: 10.1016/j.fsi.2023.109025. Epub 2023 Aug 23. PMID: 37625733.

10. Zhang K, Huang Y, Zhang Y, Liang R, Li Q, Li R, Zhao X, Bian C, Chen Y, Wu J, Shi Q, Lin L. A chromosome-level reference genome assembly of the Reeve's moray eel (Gymnothorax reevesii). Sci Data. 2023 Jul 29;10(1):501. doi: 10.1038/s41597-023-02394-7. PMID: 37516767; PMCID: PMC10387071.

11. Fei Shi, Minshan Yao, Yao Huang, Zhilong Chen, Jin Xiao, Fanbin Zhan, Yanan Li, Li Lin*, Zhendong Qin*. Effects of antibiotics on immunity and apoptosis on grass carp liver and hepatocytes. Journal of Environmental Chemical Engineering. 2023 IF= 7.96

12. Minshan Yao, Hong Chen, Junjie Tao, Lixiang Wei, Ying Tang, Junyan Lin, Fei Shi, Fanbin Zhan, Yanan Li, Jun Li, Zhendong Qin*, Li Lin*. C-myc modulates the replication of RGNNV via glutamine-mediated ATP production in grouper fin cells.  Aquaculture and Fisheries. 2023  

13. Fanbin Zhan, Yanan Li, Fei Shi, Zhijie Lu, Minxuan Yang, Qingqing Li, Li Lin*, Zhendong Qin*. Characteristion analysis of TLR5a and TLR5b immune response after different bacterial infection in grass carp (Ctenopharyngodon idella). Fish Shellfish Immunol. 2023, accepted. SCI:4.62.JCR 一区刊物)

14. Lixiang Wei, Yanhan Bai, Rishen Liang*, Junyan Lin, Minxuan Yang, Ying Tang, Hong Chen, Minshan Yao, Yao Huang, Li Lin*, Zhendong Qin*. The regulation mechanism of hematopoiesis during ischemic and hemolytic anemia in grass carpCtenopharyngodon idella. Aquaculture. 2023

15. Liu X, Zhang Y, Zhang Z, An Z, Zhang X, Vakharia VN, Lin L. Isolation, identification and the pathogenicity characterization of a Santee-Cooper ranavirus and its activation on immune responses in juvenile largemouth bass (Micropterus salmoides). Fish Shellfish Immunol. 2023 Apr;135:108641. doi: 10.1016/j.fsi.2023.108641. Epub 2023 Feb 28. PMID: 36858328.

16. Zhang K, Chen M, He H, Kou H, Lin L, Liang R. Genome-wide identification and characterization of toll-like receptor 5 (TLR5) in fishes. Front Genet. 2023 Jan 6;13:1083578. doi: 10.3389/fgene.2022.1083578. PMID: 36685837; PMCID: PMC9857387.

17. Li Y, Chen Z, Zhang P, Gao F, Wang J, Lin L, Zhang H. Characterization of a Novel Superoxide Dismutase from a Deep-sea Sea Cucumber (Psychoropotes verruciaudatus). Antioxidants (Basel). 2023 Jun 7;12(6):1227. doi: 10.3390/antiox12061227. PMID: 37371957; PMCID: PMC10295708.

18. Lindan Sun, Feng Lin, Binbin Sun, Zhendong Qin, Keping Chen, Lijuan Zhao, Jun Li, Yulei Zhang, Li Lin*. Scutellaria polysaccharide mediates the immunity and antioxidant capacity of giant freshwater prawn (Macrobrachium rosenbergii). Developmental and Comparative Immunology. 2023

19. Yanan Li, Zongfu Chen, Yayuan Xiao, Feng Gao, Fanbin Zhan, Zhijie Lu, Zhenpeng Huang, Xuefeng Wei, Fengping Su, Fei Shi, Li Lin*, Zhendong Qin*. The Keap1-Nrf2 signaling pathway regulates antioxidant defenses of Ctenopharyngodon idella induced by bacterial infection. Fish Shellfish Immunol. 2023, accepted. SCI:4.62.JCR 一区刊物).

20. Zhan F, Zhou S, Shi F, Li Q, Lin L, Qin Z. Transcriptome analysis of Macrobrachium rosenbergii hemocytes in response to Staphylococcus aureus infection. Fish Shellfish Immunol. 2023 Aug;139:108927. doi: 10.1016/j.fsi.2023.108927. Epub 2023 Jul 4. PMID: 37406892. SCI:4.62.JCR 一区刊物).

21. Han Lin, Jingyang Sun, Jie Ma, Zhendong Qin, Biao Jiang, Wei Li, Qing Wang, Youlu Su, Li Lin*, Chun Liu*. Detection and quantification of Klebsiella pneumoniae in American bullfrog (Rana catesbeiana) by Taqman MGB probe real-time fluorescence quantitative PCR. Aquaculture, Volume 568, 2023, 739339.

22. Li Qingqing, Huang Yao, Zhang Xingqian, Zou Cuiyun, Lin Li*. Improvement of muscle quality in tilapia (Oreochromis niloticus) with dietary faba bean (Vicia faba L.). Frontiers in Nutrition, 2023, 10, Article 1153323. (Q1 IF=6.6)

23. Li Qingqing, Huang Yao, Xie Xi, Zhai Xiaoqian, Chen Meiyan, Liang Dejin, Cao Ming, Liang Shaowen, Lin Li*. Comparison of growth, and non-specific immune of crisp and ordinary tilapia (Oreochromis niloticus). Aquaculture, 2023, 562, Article 738827. (Q1 IF=5.3)


24. Han Lin, Jie Ma, Jingyang Sun, Zhendong Qin, Biao Jiang, Wei Li, Qing Wang, Youlu Su, Li Lin*, Chun Liu*. Identification and Characterization of Klebsiella pneumoniae from farmed American bullfrogs (Rana catesbeiana). Microbiology spectrum. 2022 IF=9.03JCR 一区刊物)

25. Jiajun Chen, Youcheng Yang, Zizheng Xu, Feng Li, Minxuan Yang, Fei Shi, Li Lin*, Zhendong Qin*. Characterization of effects of chitooligosaccharide monomer addition on immunomodulatory activity in macrophages. Food Res Int. 2023 Jan;163:112268. doi: 10.1016/j.foodres.2022.112268. Epub 2022 Nov 29. PMID: 36596179.  IF=7.4JCR 一区刊物)

26. Junyan Lin, Lixiang Wei, Minshan Yao, Hong Chen, Ying Tang, Fei Shi, Fanbin Zhan, Yanan Li, Jun Li, Li Lin*, Zhendong Qin*. Study on the regulatory mechanism of erythropoietin in erythropoiesis in grass carp (Ctenopharyngodon idella). Aquaculture. 2022 IF=5.25JCR 一区刊物)

27. Hong Chen, Minshan Yao, Yin tang, Lixiang Wei, Junyan Lin, Fei Shi, Fanbin Zhan, Yanan Li, Jun Li, Li Lin*, Zhendong Qin*. Study on the main mode of the death of red blood cells in grass carp (Ctenopharyngodon idella). Aquaculture. 2022 IF=5.25

28. Ying Tang, Shiyi Yang, Minshan Yao, Minxuan Yang, Lixiang Wei, Hong Chen, Junyan Lin, Yao Huang, Li Lin*, Zhendong Qin*. Hemoglobin induces inflammation through NF-kB signaling pathway and causes cell oxidative damage in grass carp (Ctenopharyngodon idella). Frontiers in Immunology. SCI 8.79 2022

29. Fenglin Li, Ying Tang, Lixiang Wei, Minxuan Yang, Zhijie Lu, Fei Shi, Fanbin Zhan, Yanan Li, Wenchong Liao, Li Lin*, Zhendong Qin*. Alginate oligosaccharide modulates immune response, fat metabolism, and the gut bacterial community in grass carp (Ctenopharyngodon idellus). Fish Shellfish Immunol. 2022 Nov;130:103-113. doi: 10.1016/j.fsi.2022.08.067. Epub 2022 Aug 28. PMID: 36044935. SCI:4.62.JCR 一区刊物).

30. Fei Shi, Yao Huang, Mingxuan Yang, Zhijie Lu, Yanan Li, Fanbin Zhan, Li Lin*, Zhendong Qin*. Antibiotic-induced Alternations in Gut Microflora are Associated with the Suppression of Immune-related Pathways in Grass Carp (Ctenopharyngodon idellus).  Frontiers in Immunology. SCI 8.79 2022

31. Guang Yang, Zhendong Qin, Zhijie Lu, Rishen Liang, Lijuan Zhao, Gan Pan, Li Lin *, Kai Zhang *. Comparative transcriptomics of the gonads reveals the molecular mechanisms underlying gonadal development in giant freshwater prawns (Macrobrachium rosenbergii). Journal of Marine Science and Engineering. 2022

32. Zhendong Qin, V. Sarath Babu, Yanan Li, Fei Shi, Fanbin Zhan, Chun Liu, Jun Li*, Li Lin*. Hemoglobin mediates inflammation and apoptosis in the head-kidney macrophages of grass carp (Ctenopharyngodon idella). Aquaculture. 2022 IF=4.2

33. Guang Yang, Zhendong Qin, Zhijie Lu, Rishen Liang, Lijuan Zhao, Gan Pan, Li Lin *, Kai Zhang *. Comparative transcriptomics of the gonads reveals the molecular mechanisms underlying gonadal development in giant freshwater prawns (Macrobrachium rosenbergii). Journal of Marine Science and Engineering. 2022

34. Shao Y, Xie Z, Liang S, Chen C, Tocher DR, Lin L, Huang Y, Li Y, Xie D, Hong Y, Wang S, You C. Dietary calcium pyruvate could improve growth performance and reduce excessive lipid deposition in juvenile golden pompano (Trachinotus ovatus) fed a high fat diet. Fish Physiol Biochem. 2022 IF=3.014JCR 区刊物)

35. Xie X, Liao X, Xu Z, Liang W, Su Y, Lin L, Xie J, Lin W. Transcriptome analysis of the muscle of fast- and slow-growing phoenix barb (Spinibarbus denticulatus denticulatus). J Fish Biol. 2022 Nov 27. doi: 10.1111/jfb.15280. IF=3.4JCR 区刊物)

36. Shao Y, Xie Z, Liang S, Chen C, Tocher DR, Lin L, Huang Y, Li Y, Xie D, Hong

Y, Wang S, You C. Dietary calcium pyruvate could improve growth performance and reduce excessive lipid deposition in juvenile golden pompano (Trachinotus

ovatus) fed a high fat diet. Fish Physiol Biochem. 2022 Jun;48(3):555-570. IF=3.014JCR 区刊物)

37. Qiu XL, Jiang YL, Cai YS, Chen H, Lyu XJ, Lin L*, Li JT. Behavioral and physiological responses to hypoxia stress in male and female Macrobrachium rosenbergii]. Ying Yong Sheng Tai Xue Bao. 2022 Oct;33(10):2836-2844

38. Kou H, Hu J, Liu X, Zhao L, Zhang K, Pan X, Wang A, Miao Y, Lin L*. Dietary protein improves flesh quality by enhancing antioxidant ability via the NF-E2-related factor 2/Kelch-like ECH-associated protein 1 signaling pathway in softshell turtle (Pelodiscus sinensis). Front Nutr. 2022 Nov 10;9:1030583. IF=6.590JCR 一区刊物)

39. Kou H, Hu J, Wang AL, Pan X, Vijayaraman SB, Miao Y, Lin L. Effects of dietary protein on water quality, growth performance, RNA/DNA ratio and haemato-immunological indices of soft-shelled turtle (Pelodiscus sinensis). Fish Shellfish Immunol. 2022 Apr; 123:127-135.


40. Zhendong Qin, Minxuan Yang, Zhijie Lu, Sarath Babu V, Yanan Li, Fei Shi, Fanbin Zhan, Chun Liu, Jun Li*, Li Lin*. The oxidative injury of extracellular hemoglobin is associated with reactive oxygen species generation of grass carp (Ctenopharyngodon idella). Frontiers in Immunology. SCI 7.5 2021

41. Youcheng Yang, Jiajun Chen, Linqing Lu, Zizheng Xu, Feng Li, Minxuan Yang, Jun Li, Li Lin*, Zhendong Qin*. The antibacterial activity of erythrocytes from goose (Anser domesticus) can be associated with phagocytosis and respiratory burst generation. Front. Immunol. SCI 7.5 2021

42. Cuiyun Zou Xinyue Hu Yingxin Wu Lijuan Zhao Rishen Liang Dongyi Cao Meng Zhou Li Lin*. Protective role of Saikosaponin d in d-galactosamine and lipopolysaccharide-induced liver injury in hybrid grouper (Epinephelus lanceolatus♂ × Epinephelus fuscoguttatus♀) Aquaculture. 544, 2021, 737040

43. Meizhen Tang, Zhijie Lu, Sarath Babu V, Guang Yang, Yanan Li, Zizheng Xu, Pan Gan, Zhendong Qin* and Li Lin*. The regulatory relationships between the GIH and IAGBP genes in the eyestalk-AG-testis axis of Macrobrachium rosenbergii. Frontiers in Marine Science. SCI:4.91 2021

44. Zizheng Xu, Youcheng Yang, Sarath Babu V., Jiajun Chen, Feng Li, Minxuan Yang, Ningqiu Li, Jun Li, Li Lin*, Zhendong Qin*. The antibacterial activity of erythrocytes from Clarias fuscus associated with phagocytosis and respiratory burst generation. Fish Shellfish Immunol. 2021, SCI:4.581.JCR 一区刊物).

45. Qin X, Feng S, Zhang Y, Su J, Lin L, Zhang YA, Tu J. Leader RNA regulates snakehead vesiculovirus replication via interacting with viral nucleoprotein. RNA Biol. 2021 Apr;18(4):537-546.

46. Liu Y, Cui S, Ma Y, Jiang Q, Zhao X, Cheng Q, Guo L, Jia H, Lin L*. Brominated flame retardants (BFRs) in marine food webs from Bohai Sea, China. Sci Total Environ. 2021 Jun 10;772: 145036.

47. Yang J, Wu S, Mai R, Lin L, Zhao W, Bai W. Formation of amino acid-derived volatile compounds in dry-cured mackerel (Scomberomorus niphonius): Metabolic pathways involving microorganisms, precursors, and intermediates. Food Chem. 2021 Dec 1;364: 130163.

48. Yanan Li, Xiaolong Qiu, Zhijie Lu, Fanbin Zhan, Minxuan Yang, Sarath Babu V., Jun Li, Zhendong Qin*, Li Lin*. Molecular and functional characterization of MST2 in grass carp during bacterial infection. Fish & Shellfish Immunology 2021 IF=4.581

49. Meizhen Tang, Zhijie Lu, Zhendong Qin**, Guang Yang, Sarath Babu V, Menglan Zhang, Zizheng Xu, Lijuan Zhao, Gan Pana* and Li Lin**. Examination of the potential role of CHH in regulating the expression of IAGBP gene through the eyestalk-testis pathway. Aquaculture. 2021 IF=4.242

50. Yanan Li, Fanbin Zhan, Fenglin Li, Zhijie Lu, Zizheng Xu, Youcheng Yang, Fei Shi, Lijuan Zhao, Zhendong Qin*, Li Lin*. Molecular and functional characterization of mitochondrial manganese superoxide dismutase from Macrobrachium rosenbergii during bacterial infection. Fish & Shellfish Immunology 2021 IF=4.581

51. Chun Liu, Jie Ma, Defeng Zhang, Wei Li, Biao Jiang, Zhendong Qin, Youlu Su *, Li Lin, Qing Wang. Immune response and apoptosis-related pathways induced by Aeromonas schubertii infection of hybrid snakehead (Channa maculata♀× Channa argus♂). Pathogens. 2021. IF=3.5

52. Menglan Zhang, Zhijie Lu, MeiZhen Tang, Gan Pan, Lijuan Zhao, Zhendong Qin*, and Li Lin*. Mannose receptor of Epinephelus coioides exerts antiviral activity against red-spotted grouper nervous necrosis virus and regulates apoptosis and inflammation. Aquaculture, 546 (2022) 737264 IF=4.242JCR 一区刊物)

53. Zhijie Lu, Menglan Zhang, Meizhen Tang, Yanan Li, Fei Shi, Fanbin Zhan, Lijuan Zhao, Jun Li, Li Lin* and Zhendong Qin*. Heme oxygenase-1 protects against inflammatory and apoptosis induced by hemeproteins in Ctenopharyngodon Idellus kidney cells. Aquaculture. 546 (2022) 737266 IF=4.242JCR 一区刊物)

54. Zhijie Lu, Meizhen Tang, Menglan Zhang, Yanan Li, Fei Shi, Fanbin Zhan, Lijuan Zhao, Jun Li, Li Lin*, Zhendong Qin*. Hemeprotein amplifies the innate immune receptors of Ctenopharyngodon idellus kidney cells through NF-κB- and MAPK-dependent reactive oxygen species generation. Dev Comp Immunol, 2021 Jul 14;104207.  IF=3.6JCR 一区刊物)

55. Zhijie Lu, Meizhen Tang, Yanan Li, Fei Shi, Fanbin Zhan, Menglan Zhang, Lijuan Zhao, Jun Li, Li Lin*, Zhendong Qin*. Molecular cloning and characterization of FADD from the grass carp (Ctenopharyngodon idellus) in response to bacterial infection. Aquaculture. 2021 542: 736829.  IF=4.242JCR 一区刊物)

56. Zhijie Lu, Meizhen Tang, Menglan Zhang, Yanan Li, Fei Shi, Fanbin Zhan, Lijuan Zhao, Jun Li, Li Lin*, Zhendong Qin*. Expression and Functional Analysis of the BCL2-Associated Agonist of Cell Death (BAD) Gene in the Grass Carp (Ctenopharyngodon idellus) During the Bacterial Infection. Dev Comp Immunol, 2021 Oct;123:104160. IF=3.6JCR 一区刊物)

57. Yanan Li, Fanbin Zhan, Fenglin Li, Zhijie Lu, Fei Shi, Zizheng Xu, Youcheng Yang, Lijuan Zhao, Zhendong Qin*, Li Lin*. Immune function of cytosolic manganese superoxide dismutase from Macrobrachium rosenbergii in response to bacterial infection. Aquaculture. 2021 541: 736771.  IF=4.242JCR 一区刊物)

58. AbeerM.HegazyNanChenHanzuoLinSarathBabu V.YouchengYangZhendong QinShifei, JunLiLiLin. Induction of apoptosis in SSN-1cells by Snakehead Fish Vesiculovirus (SHVV) via Matrix protein dependent intrinsic pathway.  Fish & Shellfish Immunology. 2021 Jun;113:24-34.  IF=4.5JCR 一区刊物)

59. Minxuan Yang, Zhijie Lu, Fenglin Li, Fei Shi, Fanbin Zhan, Yulei Zhang, Lijuan Zhao, Yanan Li, Jun Li, Li Lin*, Zhendong Qin*. Alginate oligosaccharide improves fat metabolism and antioxidant capacity in the liver of grass carp (Ctenopharyngodon idellus). Aquaculture.  2021 540:736664.  IF=4.242JCR 一区刊物)

60. Yanan Li, Zhijie Lu, Fanbin Zhan, Minxuan Yang, Lijuan Zhao, Fei Shi, Jun Li, Li Lin*, Zhendong Qin*. The Keap1-Nrf2 signaling pathway regulates antioxidant defenses of Ctenopharyngodon idella induced by bacterial infection. Fish Shellfish Immunol. 2023 Jun;137:108686. doi: 10.1016/j.fsi.2023.108686. Epub 2023 Apr 1. PMID: 37011738. IF=4.242JCR 一区刊物)

61. Kou H, Hu J, Vijayaraman SB, Wang AL, Zheng Y, Chen J, He G, Miao Y, Lin L*. Evaluation of dietary zinc on antioxidant-related gene expression, antioxidant capability and immunity of soft-shelled turtles Pelodiscussinensis. Fish Shellfish Immunol. 2021 Nov;118:303-312.

62. Yang J, Wu S, Mai R, Lin L, Zhao W, Bai W. Formation of amino acid-derived volatile compounds in dry-cured mackerel (Scomberomorus niphonius): Metabolic pathways involving microorganisms, precursors, and intermediates. Food Chem. 2021 Dec 1;364:130163. IF=9.231JCR 一区刊物)


63. Fei Shi, Zhijie Lu, Minxuan Yang, Feng Li, Fanbin Zhan, Lijuan Zhao, Yanan Li, Qingqing Li, Jiangtao Li, Jun Li, Li Lin*, Zhendong Qin*. Astragalus polysaccharides mediate the immune response and intestinal microbiota in grass carp (Ctenopharyngodon idellus). Aquaculture. 2021 534: 736205 . IF=4.242 JCR 一区刊物)

64. Song Z, Zhang Q, Chen Y, Shen H, Yang G, Jiang P, Chen JL, Lin L. The emergence of a novel recombinant porcine reproductive and respiratory syndrome virus with an amino acid insertion in GP5 protein. Microb Pathog. 2020 Dec;149:104573

65. Minxuan Yang#, Zhijie Lu#, Fenglin Li, Fei Shi, Fanbin Zhan, Lijuan Zhao, Yanan Li, Jun Li2, Li Lin *, Zhendong Qin*. Escherichia coli induced ferroptosis in red blood cells of grass carp (Ctenopharyngodon idella). Fish & Shellfish Immunology. 2021 May;112:159-167.   SCI 3.3.JCR 一区刊物)

66. Zhijie Lu#, Minxuan Yang#, Kai Zhang, Fanbin Zhan, Fenglin Li, Fei Shi, Yanan Li, Lijuan Zhao, Jun Li, Li Lin*, Zhendong Qin*. Aeromonas hydrophila infection activates death receptor apoptosis pathway in the red blood cells of grass carp (Ctenopharyngodon idellus) . Aquaculture. 2021  532: 735956 SCI 3.2.JCR 一区刊物)

67. Zhijie Lu, Fanbin Zhan, Minxuan Yang, Fenglin Li, Fei Shi, Yanan Li, Lijuan Zhao,Kai Zhang, Jun Li, Li Lin*, Zhendong Qin*.The immune function of heme oxygenase-1 from grass carp (Ctenopharyngodon idellus) in response to bacterial infection. Fish & Shellfish Immunology. 2021 May;112:168-178. SCI 3.3.JCR 一区刊物)

68. Fei Shi+, Yingjuan Z+, Zhijie Lu, Minxuan Yang, Fanbin Zhan, Jun Li, Lijuan Zhao, Li Lin*, Zhendong Qin*. Bacillus subtilis H2 modulates immune response, fat metabolism and bacterial flora in the gut of grass carp (Ctenopharyngodon idellus). Fish & Shellfish Immunology. 2020 Jul 25;106:8-20. SCI 3.3.JCR 一区刊物)

69. Fei Shi+, Xiaolong Qiu+, Lingju Nie, Luoying Hu, Sarath Babu V., Qiang Lin, Yulei Zhang, Liehuan Chen, Li Lin*, Zhendong Qin*. Effects of oligochitosan on the growth, immune responses and gut microbes of tilapia (Oreochromis niloticus). Fish & Shellfish Immunology. 2020. Jul 30;106:563-573 SCI 3.3.JCR 一区刊物)

70. Liting Wu#, Zhendong Qin#, Haipeng Liu, Li Lin, Jianmin Ye*, Jun Li*. Recent advances on phagocytic B cells in teleost fish. Frontier immunology. 2020 May 27;11:824. SCI 5.1.JCR 区刊物)

71. Yang, G.; Lu, Z.; Qin, Z.; Zhao, L.; Pan, G.; Shen, H.; Zhang, M.; Liang, R.; Lin, L*.; Zhang, K. Insight into the Regulatory Relationships between the Insulin-Like Androgenic Gland Hormone Gene and the Insulin-Like Androgenic Gland Hormone-binding Protein Gene in Giant Freshwater Prawns (Macrobrachium rosenbergii). Int. J. Mol. Sci. 2020, 21, 4207.

72. Lindan Sun, Sarath Babu V, Zhendong Qin, Youlu Su, Chun Liu, Fei Shi, Lijuan Zhao, Jun Li , Keping Chen, Li Lin*. Snakehead vesiculovirus (SHVV) infection alters Striped snakehead  (Ophicephalus striatus) cells (SSN-1) glutamine metabolism and apoptosis pathways. Fish Shellfish Immunol. 2020  Jul;102:36-46.SCI 3.3.JCR 一区刊物).

73. Lu Zhijie, Yang Guang, Shen Haiyang, Zhang Menglan, Shi Fei, Li Jun, sarath babu vijayaraman, Qin Zhendong, Lin Li*. Glutamate Related Osmoregulation of Guanine Nucleotide-Binding Protein G (I) α2 from Giant freshwater prawn (Macrobrachium rosenbergii) during molting and salinity stress. Aquaculture. 2020 521: 735000 SCI 3.2.JCR 一区刊物)

74. Liu G, Vijayaraman SB, Dong Y, Li X, Andongmaa BT, Zhao L, Tu J, He J, Lin L*. Bacillus velezensis LG37: transcriptome profiling and functional verification of  GlnK and MnrA in ammonia assimilation. BMC Genomics. 2020 Mar 6;21(1):215. SCI:3.501.JCR 一区刊物).

75. Jin J, Kurobe T, Hammock BG, Lam CH, Lin L, Teh SJ. Toxic effects of fluridone on early developmental stages of Japanese Medaka (Oryzias latipes). Science of the  Total Environment. 2020 Jan 15;700:134495. SCI:4.099.JCR 一区刊物).

76. Tan Xiaohong, Zhenzhu Sun, Meng Zhou, Cuiyun Zou, Hongyan Kou, Sarath Babu Vijayaraman, Yanhua Huang*, Heizhao Lin*, Li Lin*. Effects of dietary hawthorn extracts supplementation on lipid metabolism, skin coloration and gut health of golden pompano (Trachinotus ovatus). Aquaculture. 2020, 519:734921.

77. Meng Chen, Fangfang Yan,Shuo Liu,Yuhong Wang, Jianlin Chen, Enxu Zhou, Li Lin*, Jianmin Ye*. Xbp1-u and Xbp1-s from Nile tilapia (Oreochromis niloticus): Transcriptional profiling upon Streptococcus agalactiae infection and the potential role in B cell activation and differentiation. Fish and Shellfish Immunology. 2020, 107: 202-210.


78. Yang G, Qin Z, Kou H, Liang R, Zhao L, Jiang S, Lin L*, Zhang K. A Comparative Genomic and Transcriptional Survey Providing Novel Insights into Bone Morphogenetic Protein 2 (bmp2) in Fishes. Int J Mol Sci. 2019 Dec 5;20(24). pii: E6137. SCI : 4.32. JCR 二区刊物).

79. Zhijie Lu, Sarath Babu V, Zhendong Qin, Chengkai Ye, Guomao Su, Jiabo Li, Guang Yang, Haiyang Shen, Gan Pan*, Li Lin*. Expression and functional characterization of glutamine synthetase from Giant freshwater prawn (Macrobrachium rosenbergii) under osmotic stress. Aquaculture Research. 2019(9): 2635-2645. SCI : 1.475. JCR 三区刊物).

80. Zhendong Qin, V. Sarath Babu, Hanzuo Lin, Yunjia Dai, Lijuan Zhao, Jungang Xie, Weiqiang Lin, , Zaohe Wu, Jun Li*, Li Lin*. Antibacterial activity of erythrocyte from grass carp (Ctenopharyngodon idella) is associated with phagocytosis  and reactive oxygen species generation. Fish Shellfish Immunol. 2019, 92:331-340.  SCI:3.02.JCR 一区刊物).

81. Muhammad Asim, V. Sarath Babu, Zhendong Qin, Lijuan Zhao, Jianguo Su, Jun Li, Jiagang Tu, Hongyan Kou*, Li Lin*. Inhibition of Cyclophilin A on the Replication of Red Spotted Grouper Nervous Necrosis Virus associates with multiple pro-inflammatory factors. Fish Shellfish Immunol. 2019 Sep;92:172-180 .  SCI:3.02.JCR 一区刊物).

82. Zhendong Qin, V. Sarath Babu, Hanzuo Lin, Yunjia Dai, Hongyan Kou, Liehuan Chen, Jun Li, Lijuan Zhao*, Li Lin*. The immune function of prophenoloxidase from red swamp crayfish (Procambarus clarkii) in response to bacterial infection. Fish Shellfish Immunol. 2019 Sep;92:83-90. doi: 10.1016/j.fsi.2019.05.005. Epub 2019 May 4. PMID: 31059813. SCI:3.02.JCR 一区刊物).

83. Farman Ullah Dawar, Sarath Babu V, Hongyan Kou, Zhendong Qin, Quanyuan Wan, Lijuan Zhao, Muhammad Nasir Khan Khattack, Jun Li, Jie Mei*, Li Lin*.The rag 2 gene of yellow catfish (Tachysurus fulvidraco) and its immune response against Edwardsiella ictaluri infection. Dev Comp Immunol, 2019,16;98:65-75.2019. SCI IF:2.815. JCR一区刊物)

84. Qiang Lin, Yongliang Zhao,Xiaozhe Fu, Lihui Liu, Hongyu Liang, Y Niu, X Chen, Z Huang, Li Lin*, Ningqiu Li*.Development of strand-specific real-time RT-PCR for the analysis of SCRV transcription and replication dynamics. Microb Pathog. 2019 Feb 4. pii: S0882-4010(18)31737-6. SCI : 2.0. JCR 三区刊物

85. Cheng Li, Lindan Sun, Hanzuo Lin, Zhendong Qin, Jiagang Tu, Jun Li, Keping Chen, Sarath Babu V, Li Lin*. Glutamine starvation inhibits snakehead vesiculovirus replication via inducing  autophagy associated with the disturbance of endogenous glutathione pool . Fish Shellfish Immunol. 2019, 86 : 1044–1052 2018.  SCI:3.02.JCR 一区刊物.

86. Liu C, Guo YM, Cao JZ, Zhang DF, Chang OQ, Li K, Wang F, Shi CB, Jiang L, Wang Q, Lin L*. Detection and quantification of Aeromonas schubertii in Channa maculata by TaqMan MGB probe fluorescence real-time quantitative PCR. J Fish Dis. 2019, 42(1):109-117.  SCI:2.02.JCR 一区刊物).

87. Xiaodan Liu, Zhendong Qin, Sarath Babu V, Lijuan Zhao, Jun Li, Xiaojun Zhang, Li Lin*. Transcriptomic profiles of striped snakehead cells (SSN-1) infected with snakehead vesiculovirus (SHVV) identifying IFI35 as a positive factor for SHVV Replication. Fish Shellfish Immunol. 2019 Mar;86:46-52, SCI:3.02.JCR 一区刊物.

88. Zhao Y, Lin Q, Li N, Babu VS, Fu X, Liu L, Liang H, Liu X, Lin L*. MicroRNAs profiles of Chinese Perch Brain (CPB) cells infected with Siniperca chuatsi rhabdovirus (SCRV).Fish Shellfish Immunol. 2019 Jan;84:1075-1082. SCI:3.02.JCR 一区刊物

89. Shuangshuang Feng, Jianguo Su, Li Lin*, Jiagang Tu*. Development of a reverse genetics system for snakehead vesiculovirus(SHVV). Virology. 2019 Jan 2;526:32-37. SCI: 3.3. (JCR 一区刊物)


90. Chi Zhang, Ningqiu Li, Xiaozhe Fu, Qiang Lin, Li Lin*, Jiagang Tu*. MiR-214 inhibits snakehead vesiculovirus (SHVV) replication by targeting host GS.  Fish Shellfish Immunol. Fish Shellfish Immunol. 2018 Oct 9;84:299-303. SCI:3.02.JCR 一区刊物

91. Hongyan Kou, Yutao Miao, Xunbin Pan, Li-Xin Yan, An-Li Wang*, Li Lin*. Impact of dietary cornstarch levels on growth  performance, body compositIon and digestIve enzyme activItIes of juvenIle soft-shelled turtle  (Pelodiscus sinensis). Ann. Anim. Sci., Vol. 18, No. 4 (2018) 1–16. SCI: 0.613.JCR 四区刊物)

92. Rao Y, Wan Q, Su H, Xiao X, Liao Z, Ji J, Yang C, Lin L, Su J. ROS-induced HSP70 promotes cytojunplasmic translocation of high-mobility group box 1b and stimulates antiviral autophagy in grass carp kidney cells. J Biol Chem. 2018 Nov 9;293(45):17387-17401.SCI :4.5JCR 一区刊物

93. Ling Yang, V Sarath Babu, Juan Zou, Xu Can Cai, Ting Wu and Li Lin*. The development of an intelligent monitoring system for agricultural inputs basing on DBN-SOFTMAX.  Journal of Sensors. 2018, Accepted, SCI: 1.704.JCR 四区刊物).

94. Meng Zhou, Quanyuan Wan, Sarath Babu V, Qiongju Qiu, Hongyan Kou, Chong Lin, Lijuan Zhao, Ling Yang, Jun Li, Yunmao Huang*, Li Lin*. Bacterial features in tilapia (Oreochromis niloticus) and environments in a goose-tilapia polyculture model. Aquaculture, 2018, 497: 313-319, SCI:2.57.JCR Q1.

95. Lizhu Yi+, Zhendong Qin†, Hanzuo Lin, Yang Zhou, Jiabo Li, Zhen Xu, Sarath Babu V *, Li Lin*. Features of chicken egg yolk immunoglobulin (IgY) against the infection of red-spotted grouper nervous necrosis virus. Fish Shellfish Immunol. 2018 Sep;80:534-539. SCI:3.02.JCR 一区刊物

96. Zhendong Qin+, V Sarath Babu+, Ningqiu Li, Tairan Fu, Jinquan Li, Lizhu Yi, Lijuan Zhao, Jun Li, Yang Zhou*, Li Lin*. Protective effects of chicken egg yolk immunoglobulins  (IgY) against experimental Aeromonas hydrophila infection in Blunt snout bream (Megalobrama amblycephala) . Fish Shellfish Immunol. 2018 Jul;78:26-34. SCI:3.02.JCR 一区刊物.                                    

97. Changsong Wu+, Xiaoheng Zhao+, Sarath Babu V, Gailing Yuan, Weimin Wang, Jianguo Sua, Xiaoling Liu*, Li Lin*. Distribution of mannose receptor in blunt snout bream  (Megalobrama amblycephala) during the embryonic development and  its immune response to the challenge of Aeromonas hydrophila Fish Shellfish Immunol. 2018 Jul;78:52-59. SCI:3.02.JCR 一区刊物.

98. Zhendong Qin, V. Sarath Babu, Quanyuan Wan, Meng Zhou, Risheng Liang, Asim Muhammad, Lijuan Zhao, Jun Li, Jiangfeng Lan* , Li Lin*. Transcriptome analysis of Pacific white shrimp (Litopenaeus  vannamei) challenged by Vibrio parahaemolyticus reveals unique  immune-related genes . Fish Shellfish Immunol. 2018 Jun;77:164-174. SCI:3.02.JCR 一区刊物.

99. Wei X, Sarath Babu V, Lin L, Hu Y, Zhang Y, Liu X, Su J, Li J, Zhao L, Yuan G. Hepcidin protects grass carp (Ctenopharyngodon idellus) against Flavobacterium columnare infection via regulating iron distribution and immune gene expression.  Fish Shellfish Immunol. 2018 Feb 13;75:274-283. SCI:3.02.JCR 一区刊物

100. Jin J, Kurobe T, Ramírez-Duarte WF, Bolotaolo MB, Lam CH, Pandey PK, Hung TC, Stillway ME, Zweig L, Caudill J, Lin L, Teh SJ. Sub-lethal effects of herbicides penoxsulam, imazamox, fluridone and glyphosate on Delta Smelt (Hypomesus transpacificus). Aquat Toxicol. 2018 Feb 1;197:79-88. SCI:4.129.JCR 一区刊物

101. Qin Z, Babu VS, Wan Q, Muhammad A, Li J, Lan J, Lin L*. Antibacterial activity  of hemocyanin from red swamp crayfish (Procambarus clarkii). Fish Shellfish Immunol. 2018 Apr;75:391-399. SCI:3.02.JCR 一区刊物

102. Meng Zhou, Risheng Liang, Jinfeng Mo, Sen Yang, Na Gu, Zaohe Wu, Sarath babu V, Jun Li, Yunmao Huang*, Li Lin*.Effects of brewer’s yeast hydrolysate on the growth performance and the intestinal bacterial diversity of largemouth bass (Micropterus salmoides).Aquaculture, 484, 1 February 2018, Pages : 139-144SCI:2.0.JCR 一区刊物).


103. Chi Zhang, Shuangshuang Feng, Wenting Zhang, Nan Chen, Abeer Hegazy,Wenjie Chen, Xueqin Liu, Lijuan Zhao, Jun Li, Li Lin* and Jiagang Tu*. MicroRNA miR-214 Inhibits Snakehead Vesiculovirus Replication by Promoting IFN-α Expression via Targeting Host Adenosine 5’-Monophosphate-Activated Protein Kinase. Frontiers in  Immunology, 2017 Dec 11;8:1775. SCI: 6.4.JCR 一区刊物).

104. Ling yang, Ting Wu, Yun Liu, Juan Zou, Yunmao Huang, V Sarath Babu and Li Lin. Rapid identification of pork adulterated in the beef and mutton by infrared spectroscopy Journal of Spectroscopy. 2017 (Accepted). SCI:0.761.JCR 四区刊物.

105. Farman Ullah Dawar, Xianqin Hu, Lijuan Zhao, Xingxing Dong, Yang Xiong, Meng Zhou, Rishen Liang, V Sarath Babu, Jun Li, Jie Mei*, Li Lin* .Transcriptomic analysis reveals differentially expressed genes and a unique apoptosis pathway in channel catfish ovary cells after infection with the channel catfish virus. Fish Shellfish Immunol. 2017 Sep 29;71:58-68. SCI:3.02.JCR 一区刊物.

106. Zhang Y, Zhao L*, Chen W, Huang Y, Yang L, Sarathbabu V, Wu Z, Li J, Nie P*, Lin L*. Complete genome sequence analysis of the fish pathogen Flavobacterium columnare provides insights into antibiotic resistance and pathogenicity related genes. Microb Pathog. 2017 Sep 1;111:203-211 SCI : 2.0. JCR 三区刊物

107. Lin Q, Fu X, Li N, Wan Q, Chen W, Huang Y, Huang Z, Li J, Zhao L*, Lin L*. Co-infections of infectious spleen and kidney necrosis virus and Siniperca chuatsi rhabdovirus in Chinese perch (Siniperca chuatsi). Microb Pathog. 2017 Sep 7;111:422-430. SCI : 2.0. JCR 三区刊物

108. Lindan Sun+, Jiagang Tu+, Lizhu Yi, Wenjie Chen, Lijuan Zhao, Yunmao Huang, Rishen Liang, Jun Li, Meng Zhou*, Li Lin*. Pathogenicity of snakehead vesiculovirus in rice field eels (Monopterus albus). Microb Pathog. 2017 Sep;110:578-585. SCI : 2.0. JCR 三区刊物

109. Yeda Wang, Ming Kuang, Yuanan Lu, Li Lin, Xueqin Liu.  Characterization and biological function analysis of the TRIM47 gene from common carp (Cyprinus carpio). Gene ,2017, 627 : 188–193.SCI : 2.196, JCR 三区刊物

110. Chi Zhang, Lizhu Yi, Shuangshuang Feng, Xueqin Liu, Jianguo Su, Li Lin, Jiagang Tu*. MicroRNA miR-214 inhibits snakehead vesiculovirus (SHVV) replication by targeting the coding regions of viral N and P. Journal of General Virology, 2017 Jul;98(7):1611-1619. SCI IF :3.2. JCR 三区刊物

111. Farman Ullah Dawar, Yang Xiong, Muhammad Nasir Khan Khattak, Jun Li, Li Lin*, Jie Mei*.Potential role of Cyclophilin A in regulating cytokine secretion.Journal of Leukocytes Biology. 2017 Oct;102(4):989-992 ; SCI IF :4.16. JCR 一区刊物)

112. Zhang W, Cai C, Lin L, Tao YJ, Jin M. Subcellular localization and interactions of Infectious Salmon Anemia Virus (ISAV) M1 and NEP as well as host Hsc70. Virol J. 2017 Feb 15;14(1):30. doi: 10.1186 SCI : 2.0.JCR 三区刊物

113. Zhang XT, Zhang GR, Shi ZC, Yuan YJ, Zheng H, Lin L, Wei KJ, Ji W. Expression analysis of nine Toll-like receptors in yellow catfish (Pelteobagrus fulvidraco) responding to Aeromonas hydrophila challenge. Fish Shellfish Immunol. 2017 Apr;63:384-393. SCI:3.02.JCR 一区刊物.

114. Jiali Jin+, Yao Wang+, Zhixin Wu, Abeer Hergazy, Jiangfeng Lan, Lijuan Zhao Xiaoling Liu, Nan Chen*, Li Lin*.Transcriptomic analysis of liver from  grass carp (Ctenopharyngodon idellus) exposed to high environmental ammonia reveals the activation of antioxidant and apoptosis pathways. Fish Shellfish Immunol. 2017 Apr;63:444-451 SCI:3.02.JCR 一区刊物

115. Wenjie Chen, Lizhu Yi, Shuangshuang Feng, Lijuan Zhao, Jun Li, Meng Zhou, Rishen Liang, Na Gu, Zaohe Wu, Jiagang Tu*, Li Lin*. Characterization of microRNAs in orange-spotted grouper (Epinephelus coioides) fin cells upon red-spotted grouper nervous necrosis virus infection.Fish Shellfish Immunol.  2017, 63:228-236. SCI:3.02.JCR 一区刊物)

116. Ze Zhang,  Angen Yu, Jiangfeng Lan, Hua Zhang , Minqiang Hu, Jiewei Cheng, Lijuan Zhao, Li Lin*, Shun Wei*. GapA, a potential vaccine candidate antigen against Streptococcus agalactiae in Nile tilapia (Oreochromis niloticus). Fish Shellfish Immunol. 2017, 63:255-260.SCI:3.02.JCR 一区刊物

117. Yun-Jia Dai, Kai-Min Hui, Ying-Hao Zhang, Yan Liu, Yu-Qing Wang, Li-Juan Zhao, Li Lin, Lian-Qin Chai, Shun Wei, Jiangfeng Lan. Three STATs are involved in the regulation of the expression of antimicrobial peptides in the triangle sail mussel, Hyriopsis cumingii. Fish Shellfish Immunol. 2017 Apr;63:181-188. SCI:3.02.JCR 一区刊物)

118. Xiaozhe Fu, Xianqin Hu, Ningqiu Li*, Feifei Zheng, Xingxing Dong, Jing Duan, Qiang Lin, Jiagang Tu, Lijuan Zhao, Zhibin Huang, Jianguo Su, Li Lin*. Glutamine and glutaminolysis are required for efficient replication of infectious spleen and kidney necrosis virus in Chinese perch brain cells. Oncotarget, 2017, Vol. 8, (No. 2), pp: 2400-2412. SCI :5.08 (JCR 一区刊物).

119. Farman Ullah Dawar, Junjie Wu, Lijuan Zhao, Muhammad Nasir Khan Khattak, Jie Mei*,  Li Lin*.  Updates in understanding the role of cyclophilin A in leukocyte chemotaxis. Journal of Leukocytes Biology. 2017 Apr;101(4):823-826 ; SCI IF :4.16. JCR 一区刊物)

120. Ze Zhang, Angen Yu, Jiangfeng Lan, Yulei Zhang, Hua Zhang, Yuhui Li, Minqiang Hu, Jiewei Cheng, Shun Wei*,  Li Lin*.  Draft Genome Sequences of Attenuated  Streptococcus agalactiae Strains Isolated from the Gut of Nile Tilapia (Oreochromis niloticus) . Genome announcements. 2017 Feb 9;5(6). pii: e01627-16


121. Ding Z, Zhao X, Zhan Q, Cui L, Sun Q, Lin L, Wang W, Liu H. Characterization and expression analysis of an intelectin gene from Megalobrama amblycephala with excellent bacterial binding and agglutination activity. Fish Shellfish Immunol. 2016 Dec 22. pii: S1050-4648(16)30785-9. doi: 10.1016/j.fsi.2016.12.023. SCI:3.02.JCR 一区刊物

122. Wenjie Chen, Lizhu Yi, Shuangshuang Feng, Xiaodan Liu, Muhammad Asim, Yongcan Zhou, Jiangfeng Lan, Sanjie Jiang, Jiagang Tu*, Li Lin*. Transcriptomic profiles of striped snakehead fish cells (SSN-1) infected with red-spotted grouper nervous necrosis virus (RGNNV) with an emphasis on apoptosis pathway. Fish and Shellfish Immunology. 2016 Nov 30;60:346-354. SCI:3.02.JCR 一区刊物.

123. Yunjia Dai, Yuqing Wang, Yinghao Zhang,Yan Liu, Jinquan Li, Shun Wei, Lijuan Zhao,Yongcan Zhou, Li Lin*, Jiangfeng Lan*. The role of ficolin-like protein (PcFLP1) in the antibacterial immunity of red swamp crayfish (Procambarus clarkii). Molecular Immunology. 2016 Nov 23;81:26-34. SCI:3.23(JCR三区刊物)

124. Jingjing Sun, Xiaojian Gao, Jiang Qun, Xuedi Du, Keran Bi, Xiaojun Zhang*, Li Lin*. Comparative analysis of the survival and gene expression of pathogenic strains Vibrio harveyi after starvation.  FEMS Microbiology Letters. 2016 Nov; 363(22). pii: fnw250. SCI : 1.858JCR 四区刊物

125. Muhammad Asim, Sanjie Jiang, Lizhu Yi, Wenjie Chen, Lindan Sun, Lijuan Zhao, Muhammad Nasir Khan Khattak, Jiagang Tu*, Li Lin*. Glutamine is required for red-spotted grouper nervous necrosis virus replication via replenishing the tricarboxylic acid cycle. Virus Research. 2016, 227:245-248. SCI :2.7JCR 三区刊物

126. Yeda Wang, Zeming Li, Yuanan Lu, Guangfu Hu , Li Lin, Lingbing Zeng, Yong Zhou, Xueqin Liu. Molecular Characterization, Tissue Distribution and Expression, and Potential Antiviral Effects of TRIM32 in the Common Carp (Cyprinus carpio). International Journal of Molecular Sciences, 2016, 17(10). pii: E1693.SCI :3.2, JCR 四区刊物

127. Zhou Y, Dong X, Li Z, Zou G, Lin L, Wang X, Chen H, Gasser RB, Li J. Predominance of Streptococcus suis ST1 and ST7 in human cases in China, and detection of a novel sequence type, ST658. Virulence. 2016 Sep 30:1-5. SCI:5.4JCR 三区刊物

128. Jiangfeng lan, Lijuan Zhao, Shun Wei, Yuan Wang, Li Lin, Xincang Li. PcToll2 positively regulates the expression of antimicrobial peptides by promoting PcATF4 translocation into the nucleus. Fish Shellfish Immunol. 2016 Sep 10;58:59-66. SCI:3.02.JCR 一区刊物

129. Xingxing Dong, Zhi Li, XiaohongWang, Min Zhou, Li Lin, Yang Zhou, Jinquan Li*. Characteristics of Vibrio parahaemolyticus isolates obtained from crayfish (Procambarus clarkii) in freshwater. International Journal of Food Microbiology, 2016, 238:132–138. SCI IF :3.445 JCR三区刊物

130. Lindan Sun, Lizhu Yi, Chi Zhang, Xiaodan Liu, Shuangshuang Feng, Wenjie Chen, Jiangfeng Lan, Lijuan Zhao, Jiagang Tu*, Li Lin*. Glutamine was required for snakehead fish vesiculovirus (SHVV) propagation via replenishing the tricarboxylic acid cycle. Journal of General Virology, 2016 Nov;97(11):2849-2855. SCI IF :3.2 JCR三区刊物

131. Yulei Zhang, Pin Nie*, Li Lin*. Complete Genome Sequence of the Fish Pathogen Flavobacterium columnare Pf1. Genome Announcements, 2016 Sep 1;4(5). pii: e00900-16. doi: 10.1128/genomeA.00900-16.

132. Farman Ullah Dawar, Jiagang Tu, Xing Xing Dong, Muhammad Nasir Khan  Khattak, Jiangfeng Lan,  Jie Mei *,Li Lin *.Chemotactic activity of cyclophilin A in the skin mucus of yellow catfish (Pelteobagrus fulvidraco) and its active site for chemotaxis. International Journal of Molecular Sciences2016 Aug 29;17(9). pii: E1422. doi: 10.3390/ijms17091422. SCI IF : 3.2 JCR四区刊物

133. Jiang-Feng Lan, Shun Wei, Yu-Qing Wang, Yun-Jia Dai, Jia-Gang Tu, Li-Juan Zhao, Xin-Cang Li, Qi-Wei Qin, Nan Chen*, Li Lin*. PcToll3 positively regulates the expression of antimicrobial peptides by promoting PcDorsal translocation into nucleus in red swamp crayfish, Procambarus clarkii. Fish and Shellfish Immunology, 2016, 57:17-24. SCI:3.02.JCR 一区刊物

134. Lijuan Zhao+, Jiagang Tu+, Yulei Zhang, Jinfu Wang, Ling Yang, Weimin Wang, Zaohe Wu, Qinglei Meng*, Li Lin*.Transcriptomic analysis of the head kidney of Topmouth culter (Culter alburnus) infected with Flavobacterium columnare with an emphasis on phagosome pathway. Fish and Shellfish Immunology, 2016 Oct;57:413-8. SCI:3.02.JCR 一区刊物

135. Gao X, Zhang X*, Sun J, Xuedi D, Li X, Zhang Y, Lin L*.Passive protection effect of anti-Vibrio anguillarum IgY-encapsulated feed on half-smooth tongue sole (Cynoglossus semilaevi) against V. anguillarum. Fish and Shellfish Immunology, 2016 ; 56:483-8 SCI:3.02.JCR 一区刊物.

136. Yao Wang, Nan Chen, Abeer M. Hegazy, Xiaodan Liu, Zhixin Wu , Xueqin Liu, Lijuan Zhao, Qiwei Qin, Jiangfeng Lan*, Li Lin*. Autophagy induced by Snakehead  fish vesiculovirus inhibited  its replication in SSN-1 cell line. Fish and Shellfish Immunology, 2016, 55:415-422. SCI:3.02.JCR 一区刊物

137. Zhao LL, Wang YQ, Dai YJ, Zhao LJ, Qin Q, Lin L, Ren Q, Lan JF. A novel C-type lectin with four CRDs is involved in the regulation of antimicrobial peptide gene expression in Hyriopsis cumingii. Fish and Shellfish Immunology, 2016, 55:339-347. SCI:3.02.JCR 一区刊物

138. Yunjia  Dai, Yuqing Wang, Lingling Zhao, Zhendong Qin, Junfa Yuan, Qiwei Qin, Li Lin*, Jiangfeng Lan*. A novel L-type lectin was required for the multiplication of WSSV in red swamp crayfish (Procambarus clakii). Fish and Shellfish Immunology, 2016, 55:48-55. SCI : 3.02.JCR 一区刊物

139. Jiagang Tu+, Wenjie Chen+, Xiaozhe Fu, Qiang Lin, Ouqin Chang, Lijuan Zhao,Jiangfeng Lan*,  Ningqiu Li *, Li Lin *.Susceptibility of Chinese perch brain (CPB) cell and Mandarin fish to Red-spotted grouper nervous necrosis virus (RGNNV) infection. Int J Mol Sci. 2016, May 19;17(5). pii: E740. doi: 10.3390/ijms17050740. SCI IF : 3.2 JCR四区刊物

140. Xiaojian Gao, Xiaojun Zhang *, Li Lin*, Dongrui Yao *, Jingjing Sun, Xuedi Du . Passive Immune-Protection of Litopenaeus vannamei against Vibrio harveyi and Vibrio parahaemolyticus Infections by Anti-Vibrio Egg Yolk (IgY)-Encapsulated Feed. Int J Mol Sci. 2016 May 17;17(5). pii: E723. doi: 10.3390/ijms17050723. SCI IF : 3.2

141. Zhao L, Lu H, Meng Q, Wang J, Wang W, Yang L*, Lin L*. Profilings of MicroRNAs in the Liver of Common Carp (Cyprinus carpio) Infected with Flavobacterium columnare. Int J Mol Sci. 2016 Apr 15;17(4). pii: E566. doi: 10.3390/ijms17040566. SCI IF : 3.2 JCR四区刊物

142. Jingjing Sun, Xiaojun Zhang*, Xiaojian Gao, Qun Jiang,Yi Wen and Li Lin*. Characterization of Virulence Properties of Aeromonas veronii Isolated From Diseased Gibel Carp (Carassius gibelio). International Journal of Molecular Sciences2016 Apr 1;17(4). pii: E496. doi: 10.3390/ijms17040496. SCI IF : 3.2 JCR四区刊物

143. Xiaodan Liu, Jiagang Tu, Junfa YuanXueqin Liu, Lijuan ZhaoFarman Ullah DawarMuhammad Nasir Khan KhattakAbeer M HegazyNan ChenVikram N Vakharia, Li  Lin*. Identification and Characterization of MicroRNAs in Snakehead Fish Cell Line upon Snakehead Fish Vesiculovirus Infection. International Journal of Molecular Sciences201617(2)12-16. SCI IF : 3.2 JCR四区刊物

144. Farman Ullah DawarJiagang TuMuhammad Nasir Khan KhattakJie Mei*Li Lin*. Cyclophilin A: A KeyFactor in Virus Replication and Potential Target for Anti-viral TherapyCurrent Issues in Molecular Biology. 2016, 1:1-20. SCI IF : 3.083 JCR一区刊物

145. Usama Ashraf, Yuanan Lu, Li Lin, Junfa Yuan, Min Wang, Xueqin Liu*. The spring viremia of carp virus: recent advances. Journal of General Virology, 2016 May;97(5):1037-51. SCI: IF: 3.2. JCR三区刊物

146. Hu R, Du N, Chen N, Lin L, Zhai Y, Gu Z.Molecular analysis of type II topoisomerases of Aeromonas hydrophila isolated from fish and levofloxacin-induced resistant isolates in vitro. Folia Microbiol (Praha). 2016 May;61(3):249-53. SCI : 1.0JCR 四区刊物


147. Zou M, Zhang X, Shi Z, Lin L, Ouyang G, Zhang G, Zheng H, Wei K, Ji W. A comparative transcriptome analysis between wild and albino yellow catfish (Pelteobagrus fulvidraco). PLoS One. 2015, 10(6):e0131504. SCI IF :3.234JCR 三区刊物.

148. Yachan Ji+, Jinquan Li+, Zhendong Qin, Aihua Li, Zemao Gu, Xiaoling Liu, Li Lin, Yang Zhou*. Contribution of nuclease to the pathogenesis of Aeromonas hydrophila.Virulence, 2015 Jul 4;6(5):515-22. SCI IF: 5.4. JCR 三区刊物

149. Feifei Zheng, Muhammad Asim, Jiangfeng Lan, Lijuan Zhao, Shun Wei, Nan Chen, Xiaolin Liu, Yang Zhou*, Li Lin*.Molecular Cloning and Functional Characterization of Mannose Receptor in Zebra Fish (Danio rerio) during Infection with Aeromonas Sobria. International Journal of Molecular Sciences, 2015 ,16(5):10997-1012. SCI IF : 2.862 JCR四区刊物

150. Xianqin Hu, Xiaozhe Fu, Ningqiu Li*, Xingxing Dong,Lijuan Zhao,Jiangfeng Lan,Wei

Ji,Weidong Zhou, Taoshan Ai, Shuqin Wu, Li Lin*. Transcriptomic analysis of Mandarin fish brain cells infected with infectious spleen and kidney necrosis virus with an emphasis on retinoic acid-inducible gene 1-like receptors and apoptosis pathways. Fish and Shellfish Immunology, 2015, 45 : 619-629. SCI IF: 2.674.. JCR一区刊物)

151. Dong X, Qin Z, Hu X, Lan J, Yuan G, Asim M, Zhou Y, Ai T, Mei J*, Lin L*.

Molecular cloning and functional characterization of cyclophilin A in yellow catfish (Pelteobagrus fulvidraco). Fish and Shellfish Immunology, 2015,45 :422-430. SCI IF:2.674. SCI JCR 一区刊物)

152. Li L, Luo Y, Gao Z, Huang J, Zheng X, Nie H, Zhang J, Lin L, Yuan J. Molecular characterisation and prevalence of a new genotype of Cyprinid herpesvirus 2 in mainland China. Can J Microbiol. 2015, 13:1-7. SCI IF:1.221. JCR四区刊物

153. Wenjun Xu, Zhendong Qin, Hui Shi, Nan Jiang, Yang Zhou, Xiaoling Liu, Jianjun Xie,Genshen Wang, Weimin Wang, Muhammad Asim,  Lingbing Zeng, Li Lin*. Mass mortality associated with a viral-induced anaemia in cage-reared large yellow croaker, Larimichthys crocea (Richardson). Journal of Fish Diseases, 2015;38(5):499-502. SCI IF: 2.056. (JCR一区刊物)

154. Xiaodan Liu, Jiannan Huang, Shaoping Weng, Xianqin Hu, Wenjie Chen, Zhendong Qin, Xingxing Dong, Xiaoling  Liu, Yang Zhou, Muhammad Asim, Weimin Wang, Jianguo He*, Li Lin*. Infections of nervous necrosis virus in wild and cage-reared marine fish from South China Sea with unexpected wide host ranges. Journal of Fish Diseases, 2015;38(6):533-40.SCI IF: 2.056. JCR 一区刊物)

155. Wenwen Wang, Muhammad Asim, Lizhu Yi, Abeer M Hegazy, Xianqin Hu, Yang Zhou,  Taoshan Ai,  Li Lin*. Abortive infection of snakehead fish vesiculovirus in ZF4 cells was associated with the RLRs pathway activation by viral replicative intermediates . International Journal of Molecular Sciences, 2015;16(3):6235-50. SCI IF : 2.862 JCR四区刊物

156. Xiaodan Liu, Yi Wen, Xianqin Hu, Wenwen Wang, Xufang Liang, Jun Li, Vikram Vakharia, Li Lin* . Breaking the host range: Mandarin fish was susceptible to a vesiculovirus derived from snakehead fish. Journal of General Virology, 2015;96(Pt 4):775-81. SCI IF:3.183. JCR三区刊物

157. Xiaoheng Zhao, Lichun Liu, Abeer M. Hegazy, Hong Wang, Jie Li, FeifeiZheng, Yang Zhou, Weimin Wang, Jun Li, Xiaoling Liu*, Li Lin*. Mannose receptor mediated phagocytosis  of bacteria in macrophages of blunt snout bream (Megalobrama amblycephala) in a Ca2+-dependent manner. Fish and Shellfish Immunology, 2015; 43(2):357-363, SCI IF: 2.674. JCR一区刊物)

158. Weidong Zhou, Yulei Zhang, Yi Wen, Wei Ji, Yang Zhou, Yachan Ji, Xiaoling Liu, Weimin Wang, Muhammad Asim, Xufang Liang*,Taoshan Ai*, Li Lin*. Analysis of the transcriptomic profilings of Mandarin fish (Siniperca chuatsi) infected with Flavobacterium columnare with an emphasis on immune responses. Fish Shellfish Immunol. 2015; 43(1): 111-119, SCI IF: 2.674.  JCR一区刊物)

159. Tran NT, Gao ZX, Zhao HH, Yi SK, Chen BX, Zhao YH, Lin L, Liu XQ, Wang WM*. Transcriptome analysis and microsatellite discovery in the blunt snout bream (Megalobrama amblycephala) after challenge with Aeromonas hydrophila. Fish and Shellfish Immunology, 2015, 45:72-82. SCI IF: 2.674.JCR 一区刊物)

160. Guangxin Liu, Li Lin, Min Wang, Xueqin Liu*. Development and evaluation of a loop-mediated isothermal amplification assay for the detection of channel catfish virus. Journal of Fish Diseases, 2015, 38:1073-1076. SCI IF: 2.056. JCR 一区刊物)

161. Liu L, Zhu B, Wu S, Lin L, Liu G, Zhou Y, Wang W, Asim M, Yuan J, Li L, Wang M, Lu Y, Wang H, Cao J, Liu X*. Spring Viremia of Carp Virus Induces Autophagy for Necessary Viral Replication. Cell Microbiol. 2015, 17(4):595-605. SCI IF:4.915. JCR 一区刊物)

162. Wu S, Liu L, Zohaib A, Lin L, Yuan J, Wang M, Liu X*. MicroRNA profile analysis of Epithelioma papulosum cyprini cell line before and after SVCV infection. Dev Comp Immunol. 2015, 48(1):124-8. SCI IF:2.815. JCR一区刊物)


163. Yuan J, Yang Y, Nie H, Li L, Gu W, Lin L, Zou M, Liu X, Wang M, Gu Z*. Transcriptome analysis of epithelioma papulosum cyprini cells after SVCV infection. BMC Genomics. 2014, 15:935. SCI IF:3.968 JCR一区刊物)

164. Liu L, Zhou Y, Zhao X, Wang H, Wang L, Yuan G, Asim M, Wang W, Zeng L, Liu X*, Lin L*. Oligochitosan stimulated phagocytic activity of macrophages from blunt snout bream (Megalobrama amblycephala) associated with respiratory burst coupled with nitric oxide production. Dev Comp Immunol. 47(1):17-24, 2014. SCI IF:2.815. JCR一区刊物)

165. Wang L, Liu L, Zhou Y, Zhao X, Xi M, Wei S, Fang R, Ji W, Chen N, Gu Z, Liu X, Wang W, Asim M, Liu X*, Lin L*. Molecular cloning and expression analysis of mannose receptor C type 1 in grass carp (Ctenopharyngodonidella). Dev Comp Immunol, 2014; 43(1):54-8. SCI IF:2.815. JCR一区刊物

166. Xiaoling Liu, Xiaocheng Tang, Li Wang, Jie Li, Hong Wang, Shun Wei, Rui Fang, Wei Ji, Gailing Yuan, Nan Chen, Zema Gu, Xueqin Liu, Weimin Wang, Muhammad Asim, Yang Zhou*, Li Lin*.Molecular cloning and expression analysis of mannose receptor in blunt snout bream (Megalobrama amblycephala). Molecular Biology Reports. 2014; 41(7):4601-11. SCI IF:2.024 JCR四区刊物

167. Li Q, Liu L, Lin L, Li Z, Liu G, Wu S, Wang M, Li L, Yuan J, Yuan G, Liu X*. Immunization with recombinant baculovirus expressing the VP6 protein of grass carp reovirus induces immunity in grass carp. Virol Sin. 2014, 29(4):261-3

168. Yang Y, Huang J, Li L, Lin L, Zhai Y, Chen X, Liu X, Wu Z, Yuan J*. Up-regulation of nuclear factor E2 - Related factor 2 upon SVCV infection. Fish Shellfish Immunol. 17;40(1):245-252, 2014. SCI IF:2.674 JCR一区刊物)

169. Li Lin*, Weimin Wang*. Lung-Kidney Dual Functions of Fish Gill. Annals of Aquaculture and Research. 2014,1(1):1003.


170. Luo YZ, Lin L, Liu Y, Wu ZX, Gu ZM1, Li LJ*,Yuan JF*. Haematopoietic Necrosis of Cultured Silver Prussian Carp (Carassius gibelio) Associated with Cyprinid  Herpesvirus. Journal of Fish Diseases,36(12):1035-1039, 2013. SCI IF:1.507. JCR一区刊物)

171. Liyue Liu, Qin Li, Li Lin, Min Wang, Yuanan Lu, Weimin Wang, Junfa Yuan, Lijuan Li, Xueqin Liu*.Proteomic analysis of epithelioma papulosum cyprini cells infected with spring viraemia of carp virus. Fish and Shellfish Immunology, 35(1):26-35, 2013.SCI IF:3.034 JCR一区刊物)


172. Hyun-Mi Pyo, Alex Masic, Nizihti Woldeab, Carissa Embury-Hyatt, Li Lin, Yeun-Kyung Shin, Jae-Young Song, Shawn Babiuk and Yan Zhou*. Pandemic H1N1 influenza virus like particles are immunogenic and provide protective immunity to pigs. Vaccine, 30: 1297-1304, 2012.SCI IF:3.492. JCR 一区刊物)

173. Li Lin, Qiang Liu, Nathalie Berube, Yan Zhou*. 5’-triphosphate-siRNA: potent inhibition of influenza A virus infection by gene silencing and RIG-I activation. Journal of Virology, 86: 10359-10369, 2012.SCI IF:5.067. JCR 一区刊物)

174. Li Lin, Yang Li, Hyun-Mi Pyo, Xinya Lu, Sathya Narayanan, Qiang Liu and Yan  Zhou*.Identification of RNA helicase A as a cellular factor that interacts with influenza A NS1 protein and its role in virus life cycle. Journal of Virology, 861942-1954, 2012.SCI IF :5.067. JCR一区刊物)


175. Rajeev Boregowda, Li Lin, Laurie Ludgate1, Qin Zhu, Fang Tian, and Jianming Hu*. Cryptic protein priming sites in two different domains of duck hepatitis B virus reverse transcriptase for initiating DNA synthesis in vitro. Journal of Virology, 85: 7754–7765,2011. SCI IF:5.402. JCR一区刊物)


176. Junhua Pan+, Li Lin+, Yizhi Jane Tao*.  Self-guanylylation of birnavirus VP1 does not require an intact polymerase activity site. Virology, 2009, 395(1):87-96. (+ contributed equally). SCI IF:3.042. JCR 一区刊物)

177. Pan J, Dong L, Lin L, Ochoa WF, Sinkovits RS, Havens WM, Nibert ML, Baker TS, Ghabrial SA, Tao YJ*. Atomic structure reveals the unique capsid organization of a dsRNA virus. Proc Natl Acad Sci U S A. 2009,106(11):4225-30. SCI IF: 9.43. JCR一区刊物)

178. Jianming Hu and Li Lin. RNA-protein interactions in hepadnavirus reverse transcription. Front Biosci. 2009, 1; 14:1606-18. SCI IF: 3.736.


179. Li Lin, Fen Wan and Jianming  Hu*. Functional and Structural dynamics of Hepadnavirus Reverse  Transcriptase During  Protein-Primed Initiation of Reverse Transcription: Effects of Metal Ions. Journal of Virology, 2008, 82:5703-5714. SCI IF: 5.308. JCR一区刊物)

180. Li Lin and Jianming Hu*. Inhibition of Hepadnavirus Reverse Transcriptase-ε RNA Interaction by Porphyrin Compounds. Journal of virology, 2008, 82: 2305-2312. SCI IF:5.308. JCR 一区刊物)


181. Huang J. N.+, Lin L.+, S. P. Weng and J. G. He*. High expression of capsid protein of red-spotted grouper nervous necrosis virus in an avian cell line requires viral RNA2 non-coding regions. Journal of Fish Diseases, 2007, 30: 439-444 (+contributed equally). SCI IF:1.712. JCR一区刊物)

182. Matthes E, A. Funk, I. Krahn, K. Gaertner, M. von Janta-Lipinski, L. Lin, H. Will, H. Sirma*. Strong and Selective Inhibitors of HBV-Replication Between Novel N4-Hydroxy-and 5-Methyl-beta-L-deoxycytidine Analogues.  Antimicrob  Agents  Chemother. 2007, 51:2523-2530. SCI IF:4.39. JCR一区刊物)


183. Li Lin , Alex Prassolov, Annke Funk, Hans Will, Hueseyin Sirma*, Falko Steinbach*. Evidence from nature: interspecies spread of avian hepatitis B viruses. Journal of General Virology2005 86:1335-42. SCI IF: 3.013.

184. Anneka Funk,  Li Lin, Mouna Mhamdi, Hans Will, Hueseyin Sirma* . Determinants of Hepadnaviral Species and Liver Cell Tropism. Monogr Virol. Basel, Karger, 2005, 25: 56–65.


185. Sirma, H., A. Funk, H. Hohenberg, M. Petrimpol, M. Mhamdi, L. Lin, U. Schubert, H. Will.  Functional modulation of virus-cell interactions by drugs: new concepts for treatment of viral hepatitis and hepatocellular carcinoma. In: Proc. 11th International Symposium on Viral Hepatitis and Liver Disease. Sydney, Australia (eds: A.R. Jilbert et al.), Australian Centre for Hepatitis Virology Publisher, ISBN 1877040266, 2004: 293-296.

186. Anneke Funk, Mouna Mhamdi, Li Lin, Hans Will, Hueseyin Sirma*. Itinerary of Hepatitis B Viruses:Delineation of Restriction Points. Journal of virology, 2004, 78:8289–8300. SCI IF:5.398. JCR 一区刊物)


187. Lin L, He J*, Mori K, Nishioka T, Wu JL, Weng S, Mushiake K, Arimoto M, Nakai T. Mass mortalities associated with viral nervous necrosis in hatchery-reared groupers in the People’s Republic of China. Fish Pathology, 2001, 36: 186-188. SCI IF: 1.042.

· 中文论文:


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19. 秦真东,卢志杰,杨敏璇,黄垚,詹凡玢,李亚男,施斐,陈少君,李军,林蠡. 草鱼体内溶血对肝脏氧化损伤的机制[J].水产学报,2021,45(11):1886-1898.

20. 李江涛,邱小龙,邱晓桐,方俊超,黄菲菲,梁日深,李清清,林蠡,吕晓静.盐度对罗氏沼虾能量代谢和运动能力的影响[J].中国水产科学,2021,28(10):1291-1302.

21. 李江涛,杨凯宇,邱晓桐,方俊超,黄菲菲,邱小龙,吕晓静,梁日深,李清清,林蠡.大口黑鲈佛山和台湾群体自交与杂交子代的生长和形态差异分析[J].南方水产科学,2021,17(05):1-9.

22. 王宝屯,郭晗,王梦雅,胡建美,冯娟,林蠡,苏友禄.76味中草药对无乳链球菌体外抑菌作用[J].扬州大学学报(农业与生命科学版),2021,42(05):67-71.

23. 李江涛,邱小龙,方俊超,黄菲菲,邱晓桐,吕晓静,杨凯宇,林蠡.大口黑鲈两个地理群体形态差异及其对体质量的影响[J].仲恺农业工程学院学报,2021,34(03):40-47.

24. 张癸新,叶嘉文,陈厚桦,李江涛,李清清,梁日深,林蠡.基于CO基因序列的裸颊鲷属鱼类进化关系探讨[J].仲恺农业工程学院学报,2021,34(03):48-54.

25. 李亚男,唐美珍,卢志杰,林蠡,秦真东.草鱼mst2在免疫应答中的作用机制[J].水产学报,2021,45(09):1453-1464.

26. 梁日深,唐丰寿,何浩斌,汪健,李江涛,李清清,陈轶之,林蠡,张凯.西太平洋沿海石斑鱼属鱼类DNA条形码及分子系统进化研究[J].水生生物学报,2021,45(04):851-860.

27. 梁红茹,马赛亚,付小哲,林强,刘礼辉,牛银杰,黄志斌,林蠡,李宁求.传染性脾肾坏死病毒、鳜鱼蛙病毒和鳜弹状病毒三重PCR检测方法的建立[J].西北农林科技大学学报(自然科学版),2021,49(11):17-24.

28. 刘春,曹际振,张德锋,王庆,石存斌,常藕琴,林蠡.舒伯特气单胞菌研究进展[J].动物医学进展,2021,42(04):95-99.

29. 梁红茹,黄瑜聪,付小哲,林强,刘礼辉,牛银杰,黄志斌,林蠡,李宁求.鳜蛙病毒及鳜弹状病毒双重PCR检测方法的建立及应用[J].中国预防兽医学报,2021,43(03):290-295.

30. 陈铭,范蔓桦,张癸新,李子博,李清清,李江涛,周萌,梁日深,林蠡.基于CytbAFLP标记探讨仿石鲈科及相关科属分子系统进化关系[J].中国水产科学,2021,28(07):832-844.

31. 张梦兰, 秦真东, 卢志杰,赵丽娟, 潘淦,* 林蠡* . 斜带石斑鱼甘露糖受体基因的克隆表达及其功能[J].水产学报,2021,45(08):1279-1295.

32. 张梦兰,卢志杰,詹凡玢,李亚男,施斐,赵丽娟,林蠡*,秦真东*. 草鱼IgM的表达及B淋巴细胞的抗菌活性[J].水产学报,2021,45(01):115-124.


33. 李凤麟,Sarath Babu,秦真东*,林 *.弓形革囊星虫体腔液细胞的结构与分类.仲恺农业工程学院学报. 2020

34. 李亚男,伍洁丽,林蠡*,秦真东*.水溶硅对几种常见细菌的生长抑制作用.仲恺农业工程学院学报.2020

35. 资英娟,秦真东,詹凡玢,谢昊堃,张瀚云,黎烽,李滨,赵皓翰,谢远崧,赵丽娟,林蠡*.一株保护草鱼肠道和改善水质的枯草芽孢杆菌的分离鉴定及全基因组分析[J].水产学报,2020,44(07):1173-1186.

36. 寇红岩,黄燕华,周萌,苗玉涛,潘训彬,林蠡.中华鳖对脂肪需求的研究.饲料研究,2020(03):136-139

37. 资英娟,李岩,黎烽,杨敏璇,赵丽娟,李凤麟,林蠡,秦真东.银离子对几种细菌的杀菌效应[J].水产学报,2020,44(09):1457-1466.

38. 张立强,董星星,魏朝辉,丁桂珍,艾桃山,林蠡,周裕和,邓平.马丁车轮虫的生活史及其食性研究.水产科技情报,2020,47(02):73-78.

39. 寇红岩,梁雄,林仲伟,林蠡.中华鳖饲料中蛋白和氨基酸需求的研究进展.饲料研究,2020,43(02):97-100.

40. 沈海洋,卢志杰,秦真东,赵丽娟,李亚男,刘春,杨光,叶成凯,潘凎,林蠡*. 谷氨酰胺对斜带石斑鱼GF-1细胞中C-Myc蛋白的表达与神经坏死病毒复制的影响[J].水产学报,2020,44(09):1385-1396.

41. 杨光,秦真东,赵丽娟,詹凡玢,沈海洋,张梦兰,卢志杰,叶成凯,李凤麟,潘淦,林蠡.罗氏沼虾细胞色素P450家族CYP302a1基因克隆及其在蜕皮周期中的表达.水产学报,2020,44(04):562-574.

42. 梁红茹,范芷仪,蔡秀珠,付小哲,林强,刘礼辉,黄志斌,牛银杰,林蠡,李宁求.传染性脾肾坏死病毒与鳜弹状病毒双重PCR检测方法的建立.西北农林科技大学学报(自然科学版),2020(03):1-9

43. 王玟秀,秦真东,Sarath Bubu V,周萌,梁日深,莫金凤,吴灶和,张轩, 赵丽娟*林蠡*. 抑制肠道气呼吸大鳞副泥鳅主要呼吸器官的组织病理[J].水产学报,2020,44(05):845-857.

44. 李嘉波,秦真东,赵丽娟,刘志刚,可小丽,吴灶和,刘小玲,卢迈新*林蠡*.罗非鱼湖病毒对吉富罗非鱼和E-11细胞的感染[J].水产学报,2020,44(01):142-155.

45. 何昕,秦真东,张凯,梁日深,杨森,伍剑标, 赵丽娟*林蠡*. 苏丹鱼甘露糖受体的基因克隆表达和免疫特性[J].水产学报,2020,44(03):378-390.

46. 苏国茂,秦真东,李嘉波,周萌,莫金凤,张凯,梁日深,吴灶和,赵丽娟*林蠡*. 罗非鱼湖病毒核蛋白的克隆表达、抗体制备及其组织分布[J].水产学报,2020,44(02):276-288.


47. 李凤麟,赵丽娟,沈海洋,杨光,吴灶和,秦真东,林蠡.弓形革囊星虫组织结构和超微结构观察[J].动物学杂志,2019,54(06):867-874.

48. 梁红茹,蔡秀珠,范芷仪,林强,付小哲,刘礼辉,黄志斌,牛银杰,林蠡,李宁求.鳜弹状病毒TaqMan荧光定量PCR检测方法的建立及应用.中国预防兽医学报,2019,41(09):929-934.

49. 周萌,全成,吴灶和,林蠡.头足类营养生理与饲料开发研究进展.仲恺农业工程学院学报,2019,32(04):62-71.

50. 全成,莫金凤,周萌,黄培卫,黄国光,张海发,石和荣,甘松永,吴灶和,林蠡. 3种环境因子对虎斑乌贼受精卵孵化的影响.仲恺农业工程学院学报,2019,32(03):6-9.

51. 伊丽竹,徐镇,林蠡,涂加钢. miRNA在乌鳢水泡病毒感染月鳢细胞(SSN-1)中的表达变化及其调控作用[J].水产学报,2019,43(05):1288-1297.

52. 卢志杰,叶成凯,Sarath Babu V,张晓君,刘晓丹,赵丽娟,潘淦*林蠡*.罗氏沼虾谷氨酰胺合成酶基因的克隆与表达 水产学报, 2019,43(03):549-562.

53. 叶成凯,卢志杰,Sarath Babu V,张晓君,刘晓丹,赵丽娟,潘 * *.罗氏沼虾几丁质酶3B基因的克隆及其在蜕皮周期中的表达. 水产学报, 2019(04):751-762.

54. 付泰然,刘广鑫,万全元,吴霆,赵丽娟,杨 * *. 基于栈式自编码BP神经网络预测水体亚硝态氮浓度模型. 水产学报, 2019(04):958-967.


55. 李城,林蠡,李磊. 互联网背景下农产品流通营销策略分析, 山西农经,2018157-8

56. 李城,林蠡,李磊. 农产品流通渠道变革的经济效应及其作用机理研究. 南方农业. 南方农业 20181227):83-87

57. 冯燕,秦真东,代云佳,张玉蕾,刘小玲,周洋,兰江风,赵丽娟*,林蠡*.草鱼核因子E2相关因子2基因克隆分析及其对呼吸爆发的调控作用[J].水产学报,2018,42(02):161-177

58. 陈健安,霍洁颖,Sarath Babu V林蠡*. 乌鳢感染鰤诺卡氏菌的转录组反应, 仲恺农业工程学院学报, 2018,31(1):1-10.


59. 全成,周萌,林蠡,顾娜,吴灶和. 投喂策略对黄颡鱼组织中叶黄素沉积的影响.仲恺农业工程学院学报,2017302):6-11

60. 刘小玲,王虹,樊启学,兰江风,林蠡*.黄颡鱼甘露糖受体基因的克隆和功能分析[J].水产学报,2017,41(07):1036-1043.

61. 段静,刘广鑫,董晏君,周洋,李锦铨,刘小玲,周萌,梁日深,赵丽娟,林蠡*.解淀粉芽孢杆菌HZ-1510壳聚糖酶基因的克隆、重组表达及其活性[J].水产学报,2017,41(10):1552-1561.

62. 彭俊杰,张琪,贾路路,林蠡,袁军法,曾令兵,周勇,刘学芹.鲤疱疹病毒(CyHV-2) ORF25蛋白的原核表达及单克隆抗体的制备[J].华中农业大学学报,2017,36(02):96-101.

63. 全成,周萌,林蠡,顾娜,吴灶和.投喂策略对黄颡鱼组织中叶黄素沉积的影响.仲恺农业工程学院学报,2017,30(02):6-11.

64. 李洁,王虹,周洋,马洁乐,刘小玲,林蠡.团头鲂Toll样受体基因的克隆与表达分析.淡水渔业,2017,47(01):22-29.

65. 霍洁颖,刘小玲,林蠡,陈新华.大黄鱼EBI3基因的克隆与表达分析.应用海洋学学报,2017,36(03):403-410.


66. 林蠡,谭锐敏,吴炼.锦绣龙虾的网箱养殖技术.科学养鱼, 2016(12):32-32.

67. 林蠡,赵丽娟,陈文捷. 采用三套环理论指导水产疾病高效防控,科学养鱼,201632 (1): 59-60.

68. 魏顺, 张泽,李宇辉,胡敏强,余岸艮,张华,兰江风, 张志, 颜远义,林蠡*. 广东吉富罗非鱼无乳链球菌病的流行调查与耐药性. 水产学报, 201640(3):503-511.

69. 兰江风,代云佳,林蠡*.白斑综合征病毒在养殖克氏原鳌虾组织中的绝对定量研究. 水产学报,201640(3):318-325

70. 胡先勤, 付小哲, 董星星,涂加钢,赵丽娟,林强,李宁求, 林蠡*. 鳜亲环蛋白A在传染性脾肾坏死病毒增殖中的作用.水产学报,201640(1):100-109

71. 张玉蕾,赵丽娟,周伟东,艾桃山,林蠡*.黄颡鱼源柱状黄杆菌对鳜鱼的致病性研究. 华中农业大学学报.201635:83-39.


72. 林蠡,伊丽竹. 利用卵黄抗体预防罗氏沼虾肌肉白浊病,科学养鱼,201531 (5): 57-58.

73. 李锦铨,林丹,王小红,陈福生, 林蠡 周洋.淡水水产品质量与安全专题创新性实验教学的探索与实践. 安徽农业科学, 2015(7):383-384.

74. 喻蔚,周颖,周有祥,林蠡,周洋*,嗜水气单胞菌LAMP的快速检测方法,湖北农业科学, 2015, 54(20):5125-5128


75. 杜娜,顾泽茂,袁军法,林蠡,翟艳花,刘学芹,罗宇良. 嗜水气单胞菌气溶素的原核表达及其多克隆抗血清的制备. 华中农业大学学报,2014,33:65-71.

76. 郗明君,刘立春,张涓,汤孝成, 刘小玲,林蠡. 三种壳聚糖对团头鲂体外头肾吞噬细胞呼吸爆发功能的影响.华中农业大学学报 ,2014,33:72-77.

77. 陈文捷,刘晓丹, 胡先勤, 王文文, 秦真东, 王瑶, 周洋, 刘小玲, 林蠡*. 鱼类神经坏死病毒研究进展与发展趋势.水产学报,201438:1666-1670.

78. 刘晓丹,胡先勤,黄剑南,翁少萍,王文文,陈文捷,秦真东,董星星,周洋,刘小玲,张学振,郭志勋,何建国,林蠡*. 原位杂交和免疫荧光检测鱼类神经坏死病毒在宿主鱼组织中的分布.水生生物学报, 201438 (5): 876-882.


79. 黄剑南, 郭志勋, 冯娟, 林蠡*. 鱼类诺达病毒及其所导致的疾病, 水产学报, 2006, 30(6): 831-836.

80. 张海发, 刘晓春, 刘付永忠, 王云新, 林蠡, 黄国光,  舒琥,  罗国武, 林浩然.   斜带石斑鱼胚胎及仔稚幼鱼形态发育. 中国水产科学, 2006, 5: 689-699.

81. 林蠡, 黄剑南, 翁少萍, 王云新,刘付永忠, 张海发,何建国. 赤点石斑鱼病毒性神经坏死症的组织病理和电镜观察. 水产学报, 2005, 294):519-523.

82. 黄剑南, 林蠡, 翁少萍, 何建国. 赤点石斑神经坏死病毒外壳蛋白全基因克隆与序列分析. 水产学报, 2005, 29(3): 429-432.

83. 黄剑南, 林蠡, 翁少萍, 冯娟, 何建国. 赤点石斑鱼诺达病毒的纯化及其衣壳蛋白的Western-blot分析. 南方水产, 2005, 1:33-36.

84. 黄剑南, 林蠡, 翁少萍,何建国. 大亚湾赤点石斑神经坏死病毒基因型分析.高技术通讯, 2004,1475-80.

85. 张海发, 王云新, 林蠡, 刘付永忠, 王宏东, 黄国光.  斜带石斑鱼血液性状及生化指标的研究.华南师范大学学报,2004,1102-107.

86. 张海发, 王云新, 林蠡, 黄剑南, 刘付永忠, 黄国光, 王宏东, 张敏. 斜带石斑鱼神经坏死病毒症的防除对策. 水产科技, 2004,3:34-36.

87. 杨廷宝, 林蠡, 陈勇智, 刘升发. 福尔马林处理对石斑拟合片盘虫和斜带石斑鱼的影响. 中山大学学报, 2003, 42(4): 59-63.

88. 林蠡,  陈耀明. 南美白对虾内陆咸淡水全封闭养殖技术. 科学养鱼.  2002, 5:30-31.

89. 林蠡, 根全.  培苗素在罗氏沼虾育苗中的使用.  水产科技, 1999, 1:45-46

90. 林蠡,翁少萍,何建国. 斑节对虾内陆咸淡水养殖模式的初步建立.华南师范大学学报,1998,增刊:109-112.

91. 何建国, 林蠡. 海水鱼类溶藻弧菌致病性的初步研究. 华南师范大学学报,1998,增刊:53-55.

92. 郑文彪, 梁淡茹, 肖智, 方昆阳, 刘顺元, 林蠡, 孟帆. 山瑞鳖与中华鳖的养殖生长和形态比较.淡水渔业, 1998,1:40-41.

93. 林蠡, 孟帆, 黄创良, 林建志.  草鱼打印病的防治. 中国水产, 1996,6:38-40.

94. 林蠡. 谨防新鲜青绿稻秆引起鱼类中毒. 科学养鱼, 1996,03:30-31.

95. 林蠡, 孟帆,易慕荣.  亲鳖的运输技术. 中国水产, 1996,2:25-27.

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